
All About Apprenticeships

Published on 9 Feb 2023

For many of you, National Apprenticeship Week would have completely flown under your radar. And even I, an apprentice, would be lying if I said I was aware of it taking place. It is something that gets very little coverage and attention. Most people are under the common misconception that apprenticeships are strictly for vocational or manual-oriented work rather than leaning towards the academic side of the spectrum. The reality being this is not the case.

Apprenticeships are believed to have begun in the Middle Ages, flourishing in the 14th century during the industrial revolution. Since then they have grown and developed exponentially, offering a huge array of learning opportunities across a plethora of subjects and areas of work.

Being a paralegal apprentice myself, you can fairly assume I am something of an advocate for apprenticeships - preferring them over the traditional University route. Just a few benefits they hold over their University counterpart are: gaining more ‘on the job’ experience, acquiring a broader range of skills and being more fluent in technical and professional jargon.

As I mentioned earlier – at the time of writing this – it is National Apprenticeship Week (6 - 12 February). On 7 February I was lucky enough to attend the All About Apprenticeships 2023 event held at Shrewsbury Town Football Club, where many companies were promoting themselves to the countless children and parents walking around inquisitively. Some apprenticeship providers were also there giving valuable advice and guidance about the structure and what qualifications you will gain. For the afternoon, and into the evening, Emma Harrison, Phoenix Atkins and I were the proud faces of Lanyon Bowdler, answering questions, handing out leaflets and broadening our reach with students in our local community.

As the week draws to a close, I feel it is worth bringing to attention both the importance and authenticity of apprenticeships, and how, in years to come, a lot more people will have gained their qualification via the apprenticeship route.

To find out more about apprenticeships visit:

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